A downloadable comic

Julianne Belsing has saved the earth by getting freaky with the Demon Queen Agarat but her libido was has not slowed down since as she has found love with Dr. Mary Frankenstein and her polycule of homemade misfits. 

enjoy 11 pages of near-non-stop queer sex featuring: threesomes, creampies, dildos, anal, tribbing, oral, fingering & femdom. 

this fancomic is based on Demon's Layer by Brad Brown & Skelebutt from Slipshine  and is available to read on Slipshine.net. please subscribe to Slipshine to support the creators. all characters featured except Harp Frankenstein are owned by Brad Brown & Skelebutt. this fancomic is completely free and not for profit.

Update: Fixed the PDF so all pages are the same size. Computers amirite folks?


Morning Routine - Full Comic (PDF) 27 MB
Morning Routine - Pages (ZIP) 23 MB

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